
Meet the Partners: Amico del Vino


We are excited to introduce you to one of our integral partners in the D-Tasting project, Amico del Vino. Based in the Netherlands, this innovative company is committed to bringing the essence of Italy to its customers. Importing, selling, and promoting Italian wines, Amico del Vino isn’t just about providing a product; it’s about offering a comprehensive experience of Italian wine culture.

Amico del Vino uses the power of storytelling to create a rich experience for its customers. Their online and in-person tastings are not just a chance to sample exquisite wines; they are an opportunity to learn about the wine companies behind these creations. It’s about understanding the story each bottle tells. This immersive experience extends to the digital realm too, where Amico del Vino offers digital wine descriptions, giving customers video explanations about the wines they’ve bought.

Their dedication to offering carefully selected wines crafted from authentic Italian grape varieties and prepared organically mirrors our commitment to promoting the sustainability of the Food and Wine sector in our project.

The D-Tasting project is designed to innovate and transform vocational education and training (VET) in the post-COVID-19 era, particularly within the Food and Wine sector. As we develop and certify new digital skills emerging from the pandemic, the emphasis Amico del Vino places on online interactions, including online wine tastings and digital wine descriptions, aligns seamlessly with our objectives.

We are delighted to have Amico del Vino, these dedicated ambassadors of Italian wine in the Netherlands, as partners in this project.

Their expertise and passion will be instrumental in achieving our goals, and we look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together.

Keep an eye out for our next installment in this series where we introduce more of our amazing partners.

Stay tuned!

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